As long as you have an access to edit it, you can use our cool new Present feature to present your designs to an audience.
Begin by Signing in . You will immediately be taken to your Dashboard.
In order to view the designs that have been shared with you, click on the "Shared With Me" button on the Menu bar to the left hand side of your dashboard. From there, select the design that you wish to present.
Once it opens up in a new window, go to the top right corner, and click on the Download button. Next, select the Present option.
And that's it! Your presentation opens up in a new window.
It's pretty easy to present your designs with Picmaker, whether you created the designs yourself, or if someone else shared it with you - as long as you have the edit access.
Here's a quick video to help you understand presentations with Picmaker.
Remember, a good presentation must have captivating visuals and easy to digest information. Be selective about the keywords you put in your design, and simplify your core message.