Do you use frames for your designs? If not, go check out right away. Here's a quick FAQ to help you do that: How do I use frames in Picmaker?
But, there is more to it than you think. In this FAQ, we will learn how to add colors to your frames in Picmaker, and make them contextual for your designs.
Let us dive right in.
Step 1: Log in to your Picmaker account.
Step 2: Pick an existing template or choose 'Custom Design.' Either way, you can use frames in your designs.
In our case, we will use a blank design.
Step 3: Then, click on Objects on the left-hand menu bar, and then choose 'Frames.' In the below screenshot, we've used different alphabets from the frames.
Step 4: Now, click on each frame, and then notice the option to add a new color on the top-left. You can either add the default colors you see in there, or enter a hexadecimal code.
Here's what we came up when we tried different color combinations.
You can add colors for different frames too, such as animals, shapes, fruits, etc.
If you're looking for inspiration on how we used frames in a template, here's an example.
That's it! Your frames are ready to greet the world.
What are you waiting for? Go ahead, color them away now!