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Creating and editing designs in Picmaker
Creating and editing designs in Picmaker

This collection hosts tons of articles about using design templates and editing your designs in Picmaker

What are the sources you use for stock images?
How do I align elements with each other?
Does Picmaker allow me to download my designs in multiple sizes?
Can I move a design directly to a desired folder?
Can I download one specific slide in my design?
Does Picmaker have a Print Bleed option?
Can I link my Picmaker design to an external website
Can I change the orientation of an image?
How do I group and ungroup a bunch of elements?
How do I duplicate my design on Picmaker?
Can I change the resolution of my designs while downloading them?
Can I measure the size of elements and their placement on Picmaker?
I am on a paid plan at Picmaker. I have used a stock photo in a design, and downloaded it. Does that mean that stock photo can be reused in other designs without me having to use credits?
How do I find the right template for any occasion on Picmaker?
How can I search for templates within the Artboard?